An email floods in
Dear Nick,
I was given your name by x about a “secret staffer” column the x will be publishing from April (along similar lines to the Guardian’s Secret Footballer column - I am a former Guardian journalist, now writing freelance for x, and have been asked to assemble a team of commentators to hold forth anonymously on the current topics of the day in the form of an anonymous column I would write up in the first person.x
The column will be weekly, cover issues raising strong opinions and appear in the x
Would you be willing to be interviewed by me every so often on a topic/s close to your heart on which you have a strong opinion and can get people thinking?
The whole point of the “secret” element is that you can say to me what you want without any repercussions as your name would never be published; rather, it would remain completely confidential and only be known to me. So you would have carte blanche - without libelling anyone, of course! - to say what you like. I’d be happy to let you see the finished copy if you want reassurance about anonymity.
The column would play the role of sounding board, be a source of discussion and hopefully influence the opinions of others. If it takes off, it could even start to influence policy - though that’s jumping ahead of ourselves!
It would mean that I would call you to chat through your possible “gripe of the week/month”, tap into your unease about any new policies, incidents or controversies, and stories you heard in the common room/board room/classroom, conferences and so on.
The main thing about every column is that it is challenging, thought-provoking and a good read. You’d simply supply the ammunition, I’d write it up.
It may be that you attend a meeting and get incensed by something which you then want to get off your chest. That’s an ideal time to get back to me and let rip, and then I will produce an anonymous column expressing your thoughts in the first person. The fresher your reaction, the better. I would arrange to regularly call you every so often to hear your views and get an idea from you about what was coming up in your particular field.
I really look forward to hearing back from you in the next few days and hope you will be able to help in making this column a success.