This really is a you could not make it up. I'd give the Private Eye link but that's subscription so here's the BBC one that's got most of it
5 years ago some twat on Nottingham Council decides what a great idea it would be to own an electricity company Robin Hood Energy and offer the lowest prices. Corbyn says this is a great idea and signs up and encourages all lefties to do same. Many do and all across the country they do.
But the business plan seems to be 'buy electricity at top price, sell it for less, what could possibly go wrong'
They lost big time and now British Gas has picked up the customers and Nottingham rates payers are picking up a £38M chunk of the losses (over £100 for every man, woman and child in Nottingham) and seems to think the only downside is that a few people have been made redundant

but I bet Nick is even less than amused