9 Fucking years! That's all you get for repeatedly abandoning your baby and lying about your deliberate and criminal neglect just so you can go off to concerts and parties ultimately leading to her starving to death??? The fact that this had happened so many times the poor kid learned that there was no point in crying is just abominable.
Sentencing Kudi, Judge Christine Laing QC said: 'Asiah was alone in that flat for six days - less two hours - unable to do anything to draw attention to her plight.
'She was a helpless child and relied completely on you as her mother to provide for her needs.
'It is almost unbearable to contemplate her suffering in the final days of her life, suffering that she endured so that you could celebrate your birthday and the birthdays of your friends as a carefree teenager.'
'It goes without saying that this is a particularly tragic case and it no doubt raises strong emotions in all who hear of it, but everyone should bear in mind that the charge I sentence you for is one of manslaughter, it being accepted that you did not intend to cause Asiah death nor to cause her really serious harm.'
I'm sorry but I call bullshit here. Anyone with even half a fucking brain would be able to see that leaving your baby unattended for just shy of 6 days would cause her serious harm if not death from starvation and dehydration.