Author Topic: Funeral dramas  (Read 292 times)

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Offline Miss Demeanour

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Funeral dramas
« on: November 25, 2023, 07:33:51 PM »
So a good colleague at work has popped his clogs. 54 yrs old!! eeek:

Went to dentist as he had some bleeding on gums he thought but dentist advised to go to doc. Scans etc showed mouth cancer so off he went for an op. They were going to take bone from his leg and use this to replace jawbone  eeek:.
He had a cardiac arrest on operating table and game over  sad24:.

He has always been a ladies man ( 3 ex wives , 2 daughters from 2 other women he did not marry etc). Anyways he has been seeing another colleague at work but she left for another job over a year ago and so not many people know this.
Apparently he was living with his 'ex' as she was finding it difficult to find somewhere else to live and so he was being sensitive to this etc and not going 'official' until that was sorted.
When we found out he had died we rang her to check she was ok . She did not know what had happened  eeek:
Condolences from work has been sent to his 'life partner'  and she had been updating some of his colleagues on what was happening, funeral arrangements etc.
So the funeral is Monday. The 'life partner'  has set up a funding page as apparently in the 5 weeks he was diagnosed to having the op he had laid out a clear plan about wanting to support Cancer Research  rubschin:
But in all the blurb she has now upgraded herself to fiancé.
Monday is going to be very , very, very messy


Offline Barman

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Re: Funeral dramas
« Reply #1 on: November 25, 2023, 08:19:42 PM »
So a good colleague at work has popped his clogs. 54 yrs old!! eeek:

Went to dentist as he had some bleeding on gums he thought but dentist advised to go to doc. Scans etc showed mouth cancer so off he went for an op. They were going to take bone from his leg and use this to replace jawbone  eeek:.
He had a cardiac arrest on operating table and game over  sad24:.

He has always been a ladies man ( 3 ex wives , 2 daughters from 2 other women he did not marry etc). Anyways he has been seeing another colleague at work but she left for another job over a year ago and so not many people know this.
Apparently he was living with his 'ex' as she was finding it difficult to find somewhere else to live and so he was being sensitive to this etc and not going 'official' until that was sorted.
When we found out he had died we rang her to check she was ok . She did not know what had happened  eeek:
Condolences from work has  cry:sent to his 'life partner'  and she had been updating some of his colleagues on what was happening, funeral arrangements etc.
So the funeral is Monday. The 'life partner'  has set up a funding page as apparently in the 5 weeks he was diagnosed to having the op he had laid out a clear plan about wanting to support Cancer Research  rubschin:
But in all the blurb she has now upgraded herself to fiancé.
Monday is going to be very , very, very messy



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Offline Steve

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Re: Funeral dramas
« Reply #2 on: November 25, 2023, 11:09:10 PM »
 eeek: eeek: eeek:

Well, whatever, nevermind

Offline Nick

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Re: Funeral dramas
« Reply #3 on: November 26, 2023, 07:50:58 AM »
Warning: May contain Skub
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Offline Steve

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Re: Funeral dramas
« Reply #4 on: November 29, 2023, 04:06:03 AM »
. . . Monday is going to be very , very, very messy
Well, whatever, nevermind