Author Topic: Bathroom additions  (Read 3652 times)

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Re: Bathroom additions
« Reply #15 on: May 13, 2007, 06:25:54 AM »
Snoopy was on about bidets earlier. Since pubs have urinals, reducing spillage and the like, why don't domestic houses have urinals too? Really. No more arguments about seat up or down and so on. Phantom floor flooders would vanish.

Does anyone know of anyone who has a urinal in their house?

I got one - Hands free - for Mr BG and his mates, but for some strange reason they appears to be reluctant to use it. Perhaps the pink tiles were a mistake?

No, I think it was the ruler screwed to it that caused the problem.
Could have been worse ? could have had a guillotine in there.  eeek:
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