Interesting to hear the Chancellor wriggling this morning when taxed with the evidence that the deal to support NR is not quite as he described it.
It seems that the Tories will have a field day with this one as he has tried to hide the fact that much of the "Penal" rate of interest that he claimed was being charged for the "loan" is, in fact deferred for five years making a further debt to the country of some £600million that nobody had mentioned until a reporter ferreted it out of the depths of the documents. George Osborne is up and running with it!
Excuse my language but it is completely fucking outrageous!
And where has the twenty four billion (and growing) gone exactly?
On interest payments for the money they borrowed to lend to those seeking mortgages ~ they are also still lending
Precisely... it is complete madness.
In order to prevent a run on an overstretched bank they piss ~twenty-five millions up the wall and cod knows how much by the time the fiasco is over.
The end result will inevitably be a complete farce and all the money written off as a loss. Some big bank will end up with all the assets and no £25M loan to pay back...
...and you try to borrow a couple of quid from the DTI (or whatever they are called this week) to expand your business and they look at you as though you have just fallen off the moon.
Utter wankers all of them.