regarding porn ont'net , Meg isnt bothered if I look at it, I may now and again eye some Japanese beauties up , oh and drool over Alison Angel, but as long as it doesnt involve goats, children and shemales she's ok.
I think
hang on, i'll ask her..
. yeah, she's not bothered as long as it leaves her in peace to watch Heroes
What has she got against goats?
Very prudish. 
No, DS, you've missed a bit. It's not just the goats, it's the others as well! That's an inclusive list, that is. So, to sum up, Berek can watch goats, he can watch children and he can watch shemales, but not all at the same time.
Obvious really, who'd want to? Oh, it's Berek isn't it? Silly question.
I stand corrected, you are not wrong.
To find something with all three would not be easy.
The only candidate which springs to mind is the timeless "Our Kid takes our kid to give Aunty Roger a rogering".
Very moving theme music as well.
I'll look on IMDB for that one..