Peanuts Cartoons as drawn by Schultz epitomise much of the way I see life and the hand I have been dealt ~ Tho' I perhaps see myself more as the Charlie Brown character but then someone else has that name and accompanying avatar on GOM. Over there I used my real name because Charlie Brown was taken and I felt that Snoopy would connect me with him in people's minds but when we started here I felt able to make the change so Snoopy (The Resident Pub Hound) seemed the obvious choice. Over time I have enjoyed being Snoopy more and more and it does enable me to have some fun and games with people. ..... That is the serious answer to your "serious" question.
The other answer, in the best traditions of internet forums (fora?) is "Wha' 'sit to do wiv you anyway Huh?"
And allowing that your question was not really seeking an answer (................................................)