Well I managed to put it all back together…
I couldn’t get Windows XP to install on the new hardware even with the SATA drivers from Intel’s web site.
In desperation I decided to re-load Vista on the box but the recovery disc wouldn’t boot either (formatted the disc and copied all the files but no-can-do-boot.
So now I had a box that wouldn’t run its original Vista operating system and couldn’t be loaded with XP. The only thing that seemed logical (other than take it back to the shop where they wanted €187 to stick XP Pro on it) was to stick a copy of linux on (at least I could use it then).
So I popped-in a linux DVD and away it went – installed and booted first time although it did have to adjust the disc partitions as it said there were ‘two overlapping’ (?). Linux ran fine but I wondered if the partitioning was the problem…
So, back out with the XP discs and floppy with the drivers on it – went through the installation and bingo the system booted.
So after a mind boggling amount of software installing and update downloading I am up-and-running with XP.