we better stick with natural energies ,
like solar and wind.
There is simply not enough sun or wind to power our modern society’s needs using current technology…
In UK not enough sun . It is not excuse .How about Wind. They (We) should invest more money on this kind of the devoplements not for the guns. OUR WORLD END İS COMMİNG.
Just think of the vast amount of oil that is burnt every day to power our lives... all the cars, trucks, ships and aeroplanes - not to mention the electricity we consume...
It would simply be impossible to exchange oil for renewable energy sources and maintain the lifestyle we have now – you'd have to cover the entire planed with photovoltaic cells and wind turbines and still not be close.
The only alternatives are to embrace nuclear power generation or dramatically change our lifestyles (or as I said earlier, reduce our numbers).
Sorry, but it just doesn't add up any other way...