Dingbat? Wally.
What a censored:
In my days as a trainee teacher we used to swap them and write eachothers despite teaching in different schools.
I actually did a parents evening after about 3 weeks as a trainee pe teacher and met KJ's parents. "KJ is a super sportswoman, prepared to really get stuck in unlike many of the girls. Favourite sports i think are netball and hockey, she should get involved with extra curricular activity".
I believed i had blagged well until it was pointed out the Kevin James was in fact a boy (with a winkle).
"Oh KJ Dean, i was reading the report for KJ er er er. . . the girl in year 3 whistle:"
One of my mates was slating a kid to a parent who offered the excuse that the kid was autistic. "I don't care about art, i'm discussing his behaviour in PE" lol: