Author Topic: Where's Wally?  (Read 1455 times)

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Offline Grumpmeister

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Where's Wally?
« on: May 21, 2007, 04:41:05 PM »
If you are going to produce a school report ripping the hell out of pupuils and parents then dont leave it somewhere a member of the public is going to find it.

A secondary school has apologised after a confidential report book which called pupils names like "ding bat" and "wally" was found lying in a street.
The booklet, produced by The Howard School for boys, in Rainham, Kent, carried a specific message on its front page - "Do not leave lying around".

It was discovered on a pavement by a shopper in Rainham who then revealed its contents to BBC Radio Kent.

The school said it regretted the incident and was reviewing procedures.

The booklet for the 2006-07 academic year included the full names of children, plus notes on educational progression, socialising between pupils and parental issues.

The woman who found the booklet, who would only give her name as Bernice, told BBC Radio Kent: "I picked it up because it looked interesting and I thought it might be something of importance.

"Then I saw it was a school report, so I put it in my bag. When I got home and looked at it I couldn't believe what I was reading - some of it was scandalous."

It referred to one boy as a "ding bat" who was "away with the fairies", and another as being a "bit of a wally".

One entry also said a particular boy's mother was "quite rough".

Council 'concern'

The Howard School said: "We very much regret that a highly-confidential document about our students has got into the public domain.

"The purpose of the document is to provide targets and strategies for improvement for students in Year 8 to 11, and background information about the new intake."

Can I take it then you dont regret using those terms to describe pupils and a parent then? The education system has been falling down for a long time and while I do agree there are good teachers out there they are unfortunately in the minority compared to idiots like this school's staff.

The local education authority, Medway Council, said it would be investigating a clear breach of how school reports should be compiled.

A statement said: "Our expectation of... written reports is that they should be based on evidence, that they should differentiate fact from opinion, and that they should be expressed in clear and professional language.

"All reports should be written on the basis that they could be shared with parents.

"We are also very concerned that this document ended up where it did," the council concluded.
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Mr Happy

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Re: Where's Wally?
« Reply #1 on: May 21, 2007, 10:11:30 PM »
Dingbat?  Wally.

What a  censored:

In my days as a trainee teacher we used to swap them and write eachothers despite teaching in different schools.

I actually did a parents evening after about 3 weeks as a trainee pe teacher and met KJ's parents.   "KJ is a super sportswoman, prepared to really get stuck in unlike many of the girls.   Favourite sports i think are netball and hockey, she should get involved with extra curricular activity".

I believed i had blagged well until it was pointed out the Kevin James was in fact a boy (with a winkle).

"Oh KJ Dean, i was reading the report for KJ er er er. . .  the girl in year 3  whistle:"

One of my mates was slating a kid to a parent who offered the excuse that the kid was autistic.   "I don't care about art, i'm discussing his behaviour in PE"  lol:

Offline Bar Wench

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Re: Where's Wally?
« Reply #2 on: May 22, 2007, 08:02:25 AM »
They wrote it down in a book!  point: Mr Wench and friends "reports" are all on beer mats that I am the keeper of!  eveilgrin:

Offline Darwins Selection

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Re: Where's Wally?
« Reply #3 on: May 22, 2007, 09:13:31 AM »
They wrote it down in a book!  point: Mr Wench and friends "reports" are all on beer mats that I am the keeper of!  eveilgrin:
I hope he doesn't teech engerlish. ::)
I mostly despair