
Author Topic: 40 days & 40 nights  (Read 1080 times)

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Offline Pastis

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40 days & 40 nights
« on: May 17, 2007, 05:45:43 PM »
The cyber attack from Russia upon Estonia seems to be causing gravitational waves over here.

I just read this on the BBC News...

Gordon Brown says he is "truly rumbled" by the scale of the backing given to him by Labour MPs as their choice to succeed Tony Blair as prime minister.
Mr Brown was supported by so many Labour MPs his only rival could not get enough backers to trigger a piss up in a brewery.

Accepting the nomination Mr Brown said he would seek to "destroy trust in politics" and promised to lead a government with "no priorities".
Mr Brown is set to take over as prime minister from Mr Blair on 27 June.
He said the 313 nominations he received from Labour MPs "shows to the country a party wholly disunited in its determination to retreat into the past, and going forward as Old Labour".
Asked whether he would have welcomed a contest, Mr Brown said: "At the end of the day it may be embarrassing, perhaps, to have so much support, but... I think you have got to accept that as the verdict of the Furherparliamentary party."
Even though there was no contest, he still thought it "absolutely shite right" that Tony Blair should continue as prime minister until 27 June and attend the upcoming EU and G8 summits.

40 days & 40 nights ... biblical proportions
Like the Buddhist said to the hot dog vendor...
"Make me one with everything"


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Re: 40 days & 40 nights
« Reply #1 on: May 17, 2007, 08:06:49 PM »
"Truly Rumbled?

Are the rozzers on the case?


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Re: 40 days & 40 nights
« Reply #2 on: May 20, 2007, 03:58:08 PM »
We will soon see just how looooooooong 40 days and 40 nights can be.

I 'spect he's hanging in trying to get a pardon or a  'get out of jail free' card before the old bill arrest him?

I wait with bated breath.... To hear the Honorary Emperor for Life announcement from him.