On Tuesday, two new unitary councils in East and West Cheshire received Parliamentary approval giving them the go ahead to pioneer new ways to empower local communities, to radically improve services, and to promote prosperity across the county.
Do you think this is really going to happen or am I right to be cynical?
Of course it will happen. Basically two new troughs are to be opened and there will be a stampede of solicitors, teachers and similar bastions of society to get their trotters into them first.
You then "empower" local communties by sending out lots of poorly written booklets, leaflets and news letters and ignoring any replies you may receive. Printing and distribution contracts are awarded to your friends. You radically improve services by placing all services out to tender and awarding the contracts to run them to "agencies" owned and operated by your friends and you promote prosperity because all of your friends become much richer as a result. Every five years you have elections to ensure an even distribution of this largess among your friends.
Honestly Nick ~ I thought you knew about local politics.