I have a desk at work 4ft by 2 ft beech effect, and a red chair adjustable height, back and arm rests and a pumpy cushiony thing. Much the same as about a hundred other desks in the office.
Huh! NOT impressed! I have two black Executive comfy chairs.
I have three desks. Desk three is a 4x2 top that has... Hang on... a computer and five assorted recording devices, a laminator, a guillotine and some plastic pouch thingies. - Oh, and several remote controls and a tripod. Desk two is smaller and contains all the files that won't fit on the main desk.
Desk one is 12 feet x 3. It is home to three computers two printers and a dreaded Wi-Fi router. There is a weather center because I occasionally wonder what it's like outside. There is a mini hi-fi that plays endless MP3 tracks, it's been going about a year and I don't think I've heard any repeats. Three phones and a LOT of files and papers.
My filing system is remarkably similar to Mr. Happy's despite two filing cabinets which contain several boxes of cables and a supply of emergency snacks . I will get around to it soon.
The desk is always full up with things I am doing, as I do lots of things at the same time (multitasking genius) they tend to get mixed up a bit, last week I was building a computer which turned out to be a video recorder, but I digress, I thought I would put a shelf over the desk to accommodate all the things I can't put away, It was great for a while but that filled up too, so I put a second shelf and... Well, there are four shelves now and I can see to my amazement that I have a marble (effect) desktop - I could have sworn it was leather...
Anyway, I have concluded that stuff will continue to fill all available space until it is all full, as there is no wall space left for more shelves or floor space for any more cupboards, desks or drawers I will soon be putting the theory to the test. I am very busy!
Nick's claim does not hold water because he never mentioned desk size so the subsequent posts are improvements over the original and therefore cannot be held to be copies. Away with you Sir, You are a charlatan!