God i have had loads of them, i could be rich (not) so you give them all yr details an they steal all your dosh? they would get a shock in my bank i tell you, might feel sorry for me and leave me some! i wonder wether any actual idiots fall for it? unbelievable aint it! 
here is one i just received in my email
Hello,My name is Joan Anderson, the regional purchasing manager of Royal WindsorFarm Shop before I had a car accident. I cannot continue my business fornow because of my present condition and that is why I am contacting you. Iused to represent my company to several Asian countries to purchase aproduct called "Adequan im injection r/x equine". This product is avaccine use for animals?treatment and .health care It is very essential inraising animals like horses, lamps, Sheep, cows, dogs etc. As of this, Iam having a business proposal for you. Please find the statements below: 1. I will introduce you to my company's General Manager as being the mainand only Supplier of the said vaccine.2. The vaccine costs USD 5,500 per carton in UNITED KINGDOM (UK), but inMalaysia, Pacific Asia sub-region where I have been purchasing it, itrelatively cheaper being USD 2,200 per carton. You will be supplying it tomy company at the rate of USD 4,000 per carton. 3. Note that the actual cost price of the vaccine (USD 2,200) remainsconfidential and should not be disclosed to my company's GM as this willaffect our profit.4. Neither my company's directors know the seller of this product nor theseller know my company's directors; I will however introduce you as themain supplier. The least cartoons my company buy is twelve(12) or more in each trip. Theseller of this product is a woman, you will purchase the product from thewoman and supply to my company, my company will make payment to you cashon delivery. Let the above mentioned be in mutual beneficiary for us andan opportunity to embark in future engagements. I need somebody trustworthy to be introduced as the main supplier. Finally, if you wish totake up this offer, kindly get back to me so that I can give you allcontact details and that of my GM whom you will contact and send youquotation. I also will give you the price to quote. Should you have anyquestion regarding this business, don't hesitate to ask me. You are advice to send your reply to the email address below EMAIL: joananderson2009@verizon.net Awaiting your swift response.Best Regards,Joan Anderson.
what a load of junk..drives me insane..