Author Topic: Fasten your seatbelt Gordo, its going to be a bumpy ride...  (Read 375 times)

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Offline Grumpmeister

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Online PMQ's for the general public?  rubschin:

I wonder just how many questions are going to 'vanish' or be 'corrupted' and unplayable.

Gordon Brown is seeking to embrace the digital age by launching an online version of prime minister's questions.

He has pledged to respond to video clip questions submitted via the Downing Street YouTube website.

The prime minister, who is trying to reconnect with younger voters, said the forum would be a "regular event".

Mr Brown also addressed Google's annual conference, where he promised a hi-tech revolution in UK public services.

BBC political correspondent Jo Coburn said the prime minister's online question time was a bid to counter claims by David Cameron that he was an "analogue politician in a digital age".

It was also an answer to the Tory leader's live webcam broadcasts from his breakfast table, which made him appear more in touch with digital technologies, our correspondent added.

In an introductory video on the Downing Street YouTube site, Mr Brown says the online question and answer sessions will be a "regular event" and offers to answer questions on globalisation, climate change, housing, jobs and public services.

"Politicians get a chance in prime minister's question time and other question times - I think it's time the public had a chance," he says.

Users are asked to file their questions for the Ask The PM sessions via the site by 21 June.

School reports

As opening speaker at Google's London conference, Mr Brown addressed executives on the crucial role of technology in cutting crime and in offering people better access to education and healthcare services.

"My aim is to ensure we utilise all the innovation at our disposal to improve public services in this country and to give more power to those who use them," he said.

While acknowledging technological advances made in Britain, such as taking broadband into every school, introducing electronic border controls and electronic data records in hospitals, Mr Brown said more needed to be done.

He pledged to push ahead with electronic school report cards, online GP appointment booking, neighbourhood "crime mapping" and video identification of suspects.

Mr Cameron has his own website, Webcameron, which features video footage of the Tory leader.
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