Central Heating Oil Tank Full
Log Shed Full
All money safely deposited in the Bank of the Loose Floorboard
Freezers (x2) full to capacity
Larder and store cupboards full to capacity
Bread flour 20 kilos in stock
Rice 20 kilos in stock
Pasta 15 kilos in stock
Winter clothing all checked, washed and ironed ~ replacements obtained where necessary
Friendship with local gamekeeper renewed over a beer to ensure supply of pheasant when required
12 months worth of jams, pickles, chutneys made and stored
Both Cars have had "Winter prep" and are full of petrol (@£1.05 a litre)
Emergency 10 gallons of petrol in garage
Autumn Break in Dorset booked and paid for a year ago.
Frankly I don't give a fat rat's arse what happens ~ it is not going to make any difference to us.
I have nothing left for them to take from me.