
Author Topic: Latest Smoke Screen  (Read 520 times)

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Offline Snoopy

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Latest Smoke Screen
« on: June 02, 2009, 08:28:10 AM »
I see that a "Committee of MPs" has suggested that HRH allows Buckingham Palace to be opened to the public on more occasions in future to raise revenue to pay for the repairs and upkeep needed  to the "many royal residences" that are a "drain on the national purse".

Funny but I don't recall any invitation to visit a newly cleaned moat, take tea at Prescott Towers to admire his two new toilet seats and mock tudor beams. No-one has suggested a tour of Darling's thrice claimed for "second" home or offered me the chance to finger the drapes at the Winterton's houses ~ all of which and more I helped to pay for. My local MP is willing to grant me audience at his monthly "surgery" held in the offices of the local CAB or even at his constituency office in the local labour Party HQ BUT never once has the b@st@rd invited me to either of his homes that we have helped to fund!

Now let's return to the "Big Idea" ~ Buckingham Palace is a State Owned property and it is right that the state, which uses it for many receptions, accommodation of visiting heads of state etc and under the deal by which the Monarch hands to the Exchequer the income from all Crown Estates, the Exchequer has undertaken to maintain those State owned palaces etc that the Monarch uses to perform Her Royal duties. Duties that the Government impose upon her. In return she receives a salary (The Civil List) and on which she pays taxes (allbeit at an "agreed" rate) as she pays taxes on her private income, inherited from her father. The Monarch does own certain properties but Buckingham Palace is not one of them. Neither is Windsor Castle, through which tourists traipse daily on most days of the year and when they had a fire there a few years back HRH paid many millions out for the repair work.

Taken all in all the revenue raised from and by the Queen for the Exchequer far outweighs anything the Government hands her in return. They can't even be bothered to ensure she gets the formal invitation to the upcoming D Day Memorial events because Gordon Brown wants to be seen as "Head of State" which Obama is, Sarkozy is but Brown most certainly is not!

Republican or not no-one can see this as right and fair.

If it comes to a fight I know whose side I am on. Raise yer banner Brenda and together we'll kick the b@st@rds out!

And yes GOS ~ You CAN have a band!

« Last Edit: June 02, 2009, 08:30:38 AM by Snoopy »
I used to have a handle on life but it broke.