
Author Topic: More snooping  (Read 956 times)

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Offline Nick

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More snooping
« on: August 12, 2009, 09:23:23 AM »
We are all familiar with the bugbear of CCTV, e mal interception, ANPR, plastic police, ContactPoint (database of all children), computerised medical records, DNA testing, ID cards, biometric passports,being shopped by neighbours for rewards and so on.

I have a new one.

A letter arrives from a market research company acting on behalf of the DCSF (Ed Balls's department). It contains a questionnaire and tells me I have been selected at random for a survey on the well being of children.

What does it want to know?

The Boy's NAME, age, address, doctor, school and health record.

If I return it (by post), the information will be entered on a 'secure database' protected by the DPA.

Bin and a call to tell them they can fook off. Prying, nosey bastards

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Re: More snooping
« Reply #1 on: August 12, 2009, 09:26:24 AM »
been selected at random.

Bit of a coincidence that.  rubschin:

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Re: More snooping
« Reply #2 on: August 12, 2009, 09:27:52 AM »
I wondered that, but it's clearly a mass mailing. All his information is already in numerous files and databases, as it is for most of us. They can fook off. We failed to reply to the first request, so this is a repeat with a more imploring letter. They can still fook off  evil:
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Offline Nick

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Re: More snooping
« Reply #3 on: August 13, 2009, 10:22:00 AM »
Found elsewhere

The current government's never-ending obsession with our health is having a detrimental affect on CF's personal health: every time he hears of the latest piece of demented fuckwittery from Nanny State, his blood pressure creeps even higher.

The reading nearly went off the scale when CF learned that Andy Burnham, the Health Secretary, has just announced that he has ordered doctors to write ?prescriptions? detailing the "amount of exercise patients should take in order to get healthy".

Aarggghhhhh. Can you die of rage? The lights are getting dimmer. Nurse!

For fuck's sake. Why is every fucking Labour supporter and useful idiot in the land Twittering '#welovethenhs' over and over, when it can't even cope with keeping people well unless they live their lives the government-prescribed way?

Is this serious? Yes it is:

"As part of the Government?s Let?s Get Moving campaign, GPs are being encouraged to write out detailed programmes, with a weekly plan of activities such as gym sessions, evening sports classes and weekend team events."

"Elderly and less active patients will be steered towards walking groups, yoga sessions in community centres or even ballroom dancing lessons. "

Dear God. Is there nothing this bunch of fuckwits considers to be none of their fucking business?
And don't think you can just nod and smile at Nanny, then ignore her advice:

"Follow-up appointments will be made with doctors or nurses based in GP practices to ensure that patients are sticking to their prescriptions."

"Those who struggle to keep up will be given tips and advice on sticking to a fitness regime, or may be offered alternative suggestions for exercises and activities more suited to their lifestyle. "

"GPs need to agree a goal with a patient, help them to stick to it and check up on them."

Check up on them? What the flying fuck is this? Post-war East Germany? What's the story, Andy? Why are you doing this? Well, Andy says that

"he wanted to encourage the public to take part in a ?golden decade? of physical activity"

A Golden Decade? What kind of fucking talk is that? Has CF fallen asleep and woken up in Moscow in 1979? Are there going to be giant statues of grinning athletes and healthy factory workers in every square in every town? Are we going to give Susan Boyle some steroids so she can sweep the board at the 2012 olympics?

And this isn't a one-off, is it? Oh no.

Patently Rubbish has spotted (yet another) ridiculous government 'intiative': this one is to get us all dancing. Dancing? Yes: Arlene 'bit too old' Philips has been appointed as a 'Dance Champion', some sort of Tsarina of the Dance, to get us all up and off our lazy arses. Dear god. You really couldn't make this shit up.

Oh, and there's more. SubRosa recently protested about the governments urge to prevent supermarkets offering "Buy One Get One Free" deals.

Apparently, we're all far too fucking stupid to be trusted to do our own shopping. We might buy two, then throw one away, if we're not properly instructed and supervised. Or, worse, we might buy two, then eat both. Then get fat. Oh, what are we like?

CF himself recently lambasted the last idiotic idea from Andy Burnhame, tricking us into going swimming by running a little competition to invent a new swimming stroke.

Naturally, we can't be trusted to choose to go swimming without some lovely little reward, can we? And if we don't go swimming, we might get fat, mightn't we? Especially if we ate both of those pies we got from Tesco yesterday.

Surely, surely, there are enough things wrong with Parliament, with this country and in the world that the Government should have a full-time job sorting out real issues. Why are they obsessed with prying into our lives, patronising us with these pathetic initiatives?
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Re: More snooping
« Reply #4 on: August 13, 2009, 01:18:26 PM »
Please Sir (waves hand in the air) I know the answer to that question.
Why are they obsessed with prying into our lives, patronising us with these pathetic initiatives?

It is because they is the Labour Party sir and the Labour Party come along about once every generation and try to control everything until people get fed up and throw them out and then the nice Tory party spends years trying to unpick the mess and just as they manage to do that a Tory party member sticks his willy into someone else's wife and everyone goes Tut Tut and forgets how bad the Labour party was and they get voted in by the next generation who failed to learn any modern history at skool sir  ;D I'm right aren't I sir, aren't I?
I used to have a handle on life but it broke.

Offline Darwins Selection

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Re: More snooping
« Reply #5 on: August 13, 2009, 10:59:37 PM »
Please Sir (waves hand in the air) I know the answer to that question.
Why are they obsessed with prying into our lives, patronising us with these pathetic initiatives?

It is because they is the Labour Party sir and the Labour Party come along about once every generation and try to control everything until people get fed up and throw them out and then the nice Tory party spends years trying to unpick the mess and just as they manage to do that a Tory party member sticks his willy into someone else's wife and everyone goes Tut Tut and forgets how bad the Labour party was and they get voted in by the next generation who failed to learn any modern history at skool sir  ;D I'm right aren't I sir, aren't I?
Yes you are lad.

Have a gold star.  ;)
I mostly despair