Was on Exmoor last Sunday, driving through the lanes to Tarr Steps and came across a cylist lying flat out in the middle of the road. There were some people already with him, but they didnt really know what to to do, although thay had put him in the recovery position and had put a blanket over him. He had a serious headwound although he was wearing a helmet and all the protective gear, and he was bleeding quite badly and had some obvious broken ribs and a shoulder injury. He had been unconcious for a short while, but he came around and I got him talking, asking what day it was, his name etc date of birth. I got someone to stem the flow of blood while I put my yellow jacket on and directed the traffic until the emergency services arrived. The rider was a 73 year old man with all the correct equipment and a nice racing bike. His cycle clothing had to be cut off him and you could see he was really fit and healthy, or had been up till then. Had to get the air ambulance for him in the end because of his injuries.
Anyhoo, he had been cycling downhill and the chain had come off his bike, he lost control and came off, getting entangled in his bike. No other vehicles involved. He was very lucky.
I have been trained to look after RTC casualties and I have done so many times so I felt quite comfortable with the situation, however, I have never felt the need to keep a first aid kit in my car. I had no gloves, no bandages to stem the flow of blood, nothing. I have now purchased a first aid kit for the car. Prolly never use it, but just in case.