
Author Topic: If everyone is peed off with imigrants-------  (Read 2303 times)

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Shy Talk

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If everyone is peed off with imigrants-------
« on: July 01, 2007, 11:29:51 AM »
 whyn is everyone against the BNP and the likes ?? Without getting too political is it because its too Nazi like or am I missing something ?? Is the only way we are going to get our country back going to be a stand with the likes of the above parties ?? I hope not be whats the alternative ?? Civil war>? scared2: scared2: Cos summin got to give before long  whistle:

Offline Snoopy

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Re: If everyone is peed off with imigrants-------
« Reply #1 on: July 01, 2007, 12:23:37 PM »
Most people who are against the BNP will say it is because they are thugs, bullies and a left over from the days of Oswald Mosley and his "Blackshirts". You can Google for details if you need a history lesson.
The BNP of a few years ago was very much associated with Millwall FC, Bovver Boys, Skinheads and Doc Martin boots and those that remember the riots caused by them do not want to see a return to those days. Nick Griffin is the "acceptable" face of the BNP and frankly speaks a lot of sense at times but it is the "hidden agenda" that people fear.
Mr Griffin, like most politicians, can be very persuasive but there are still far too many shaven headed louts at his meetings who are fully prepared to kick the crap out of anyone who disagrees for people to accept that the BNP has changed much from its early beginnings.
I agree that "something must be done" and I also agree that most politicians do not seem to know where to start. We have a problem and a good start would be if the Government and Opposition would recognise that as a fact instead of constantly denying it. Once "they" accept that we have a problem then and only then will solutions come to the fore. It's a bit like having to accept that you have a problem with drink before you can go to AA and seek help. Accepting that you have the problem is the only first step possible toward finding a solution.
I used to have a handle on life but it broke.

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Re: If everyone is peed off with imigrants-------
« Reply #2 on: July 01, 2007, 01:23:51 PM »
Agreed.  Immigration was a necessity back in the 50's and enabled the country to survive/strengthen.  Those that came into the country weren't particularly well treated but presumably it was better than the alternative.

The Australians make them turn their boats around, haven't got enough fuel to get back - then drown.  A few friends have tried to emigrate to Oz and it's bloody hard, got to have a fair wedge in the banks and skills which will benefit their country.

This country at the moment is a European free for all.  We have the best (from the immigrants perspective) healthcare, benefits, schooling, housing etc.  We have dungaree wearing politicians who seem to fear upsetting anybody other than hardworking, honest, British people.  The Policing of the borders is a joke, why would a frenchman wish to detain somebody (at their expense) when they are leaving the country?

Is this enough to make me vote BNP?  Prolly not for the reasons Snoopy suggested, skinhead nazi boys in doc m's.

So basically I am concerned about the general standard of immigrant descending on these shores, but then we have the extremists.  The people that, from most accounts, have been born in British hospitals, educated in British schools, housed on taxpayers money.  Then, apparently, their god instructs them to indiscriminately blow limbs from the general public.

Listening to Talksport yesterday (by virtue of the fact that the digital radio was set to it (???) and I couldn't be arsed to get out of the bath) and somebody from Glasgow phoned in.  Returning from work just after the jeep incident passing the rear of the airport, a member of the public spotted an ethnic in a silver merc minivan (his description) and phoned the police.  The Police asked him what made this person suspicious and the scot stated that he was parked at some gates when there was an empty car park, that the London incidents involved silver mercs, that he was ethnic.  According to this person the Police asked if he'd have phoned if it had been a white person?

So we are to be vigilant but must be PC  Banghead

Now it's possible that it was a taxi, curry delivery or to not generalise could have been a teacher / social worker / historian stopped to phone his wife and say he was OK.  However, if the threat to our security comes from Asians or Muslims or Darkies or however you wish to describe them, are we not best to reflect this.

This is the kind of thing that is likely to get the BNP nearer to the seats of power.

On another point, anybody else think this is Gordon's way of introducing a new powerful leader and Id cards for the masses?

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Re: If everyone is peed off with imigrants-------
« Reply #3 on: July 01, 2007, 01:27:03 PM »
. .it is the "hidden agenda" that people fear. .
Thank goodness only the BNP has one of those.
I mostly despair

Offline Snoopy

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Re: If everyone is peed off with imigrants-------
« Reply #4 on: July 01, 2007, 01:29:33 PM »
. .it is the "hidden agenda" that people fear. .
Thank goodness only the BNP has one of those.

Would that it were so. noooo:
I used to have a handle on life but it broke.

Shy Talk

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Re: If everyone is peed off with imigrants-------
« Reply #5 on: July 01, 2007, 01:59:29 PM »
The thing is the goverment wont do anything about it . they must surely realise the feeling of contempt towards mass imigration . How long is it going to be before the likes of us say why should we pay taxes to be spent on imigrants before our own ghildren who need help with housing etc ??  i flippantly remarked about civil war in the OP but what other realistic solution will the goverment come up with ?? rubschin:


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Re: If everyone is peed off with imigrants-------
« Reply #6 on: July 01, 2007, 07:02:45 PM »
whyn is everyone against the BNP and the likes ?? Without getting too political is it because its too Nazi like or am I missing something ?? Is the only way we are going to get our country back going to be a stand with the likes of the above parties ?? I hope not be whats the alternative ?? Civil war>? scared2: scared2: Cos summin got to give before long  whistle:
Yes, you are missing something that's for sure!

Offline Snoopy

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Re: If everyone is peed off with imigrants-------
« Reply #7 on: July 01, 2007, 07:08:08 PM »
The thing is the goverment wont do anything about it . they must surely realise the feeling of contempt towards mass imigration . How long is it going to be before the likes of us say why should we pay taxes to be spent on imigrants before our own ghildren who need help with housing etc ??  i flippantly remarked about civil war in the OP but what other realistic solution will the goverment come up with ?? rubschin:

I briefly held hopes that William and his Ginger Brother would rise up and lead their Grandmother's Troops to Whitehall and evict Nulabour in the name of the British People but somehow I can't see it happening. Not now they've been allowed to play with Wembley Stadium for the day. ::)
I used to have a handle on life but it broke.


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Re: If everyone is peed off with imigrants-------
« Reply #8 on: July 01, 2007, 07:17:51 PM »
whyn is everyone against the BNP and the likes ?? Without getting too political is it because its too Nazi like or am I missing something ?? Is the only way we are going to get our country back going to be a stand with the likes of the above parties ?? I hope not be whats the alternative ?? Civil war>? scared2: scared2: Cos summin got to give before long  whistle:
Yes, you are missing something that's for sure!

Shy Talk IS Jade Goody and I claim my ?5


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Re: If everyone is peed off with imigrants-------
« Reply #9 on: July 01, 2007, 07:30:57 PM »
 scared: That is the frightening thing that I have stepped in today,, Jade Goody on the board