Someone, somewhere has changed the timing or sequencing
It's a junction about 3/4 of a mile from me that has to be used and ever since I've lived here the sequence has been about 50/50, hell, it's not even busy - just a quiet, urban intersection in a residential area. Not now though
I first noticed it just before the weekend when the queue was backed up and I thought it was probably an incident of some kind that would naturally resolve itself. The same happened yesterday; Sunday lunchtime
, and now again today!
I had the time, sitting there as I was, to note the timing... 8 seconds of green light
, and then another 2 minute wait for the other traffic (of which there was scarcely none!)
After twiddling about through various websites, TFL etc, I find a phone number which is on permanent message about a fire in the Blackwall Tunnel
. An email has been sent
, whether it will get picked up...