I'll just explain that my mother who is in her eighties and still running a business, has a wonderful way with words. Much like Les Dawson had a wonderful way with the piano!
Here are a few of her little gems. Hope they raise a giggle
Some examples.
She told me had planted enemas all round the garden and they look lovely.
She had a very posh Parker Knoll pen for Christmas
She was describing a friend's recent illness which she thought was due to a problem with her polaroid gland.
She asked me to take her to PVC World (No way!)
She said my Uncle has a telescopic memory
She said how terrible the recent susamis and tycoons were
She erected a zeegaboo in her garden
She has a replacement knee and was telling me that at the airport she set off the geiger counter
?Can you send my friend in America an email but don?t do it yet because he?ll be in bed?
Some friends of hers always spend winter in ?Thighland?
After staying for Xmas, she said she had to go home early because she?d had a text from a friend who?d just died.
She had ?Bronichal Pneumonia?
She left a message on my mobile saying she'd tried to ring me but I was "Out of focus"