Author Topic: Hang on a minute  (Read 539 times)

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Offline Snoopy

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Hang on a minute
« on: June 16, 2010, 04:57:18 PM »
Didn't we used to collect food waste and keep it apart from other household waste and was it not collected by the "Pig Swill Man"? Was this practice not finally outlawed because it was claimed to have caused Foot and Mouth that spread across the whole of the UK leading to vast herds of animals being slaughtered and burnt in "pyres".
Yes I though we did ..... so why this?

Announcing a complete review of how Britain collects and disposes of rubbish, Caroline Spelman, the Environment Secretary, promised to make the country a “zero waste economy”.

She said biodegradable waste like food could no longer be allowed to just rot in landfill. This is likely to mean that all councils have to introduce slop buckets so that food waste can be collected separately.

Do these people learn nothing from history?
I used to have a handle on life but it broke.