Now P.O.T.U.S. (AKA Old Jug Ears) is cross with his senior general over some remarks reportedly made by the General's staff and quoted by "Rolling Stone" magazine.
Obama (Barry to his fwiends) not only wants to sack the man from BP he now wants to sack his own appointed General. What a twat!
It seems that all Barry's fwiends in the White House are angry too .... because the time served senior officer is pissed off with a bunch of politicking businessmen telling him how to fight a war.
In my service days we used to deal with new-comers and people who thought they knew everything by telling them to come back once they had got their knees brown (ie When they had seen some service)
can't really say that to Obama can we?
Still if he keeps on like this he'll have no chance of getting a second term and that would be no bad thing.