How much they get paid is a moot point. What is tragic is the lack of a sufficient amount of male teachers - At my (albeit Grammar) school, all but 4 of them were males. And most had come from the Army/RAF/Navy. All were extremely hard but fair. And most of us came out of that school far, far better than is the case today.
I know the newer regime of yoghurt knitting socialist "the child is all-important" mentality fuckwits have dragged their claws far too deeply into the system, but the simple fact is over-bearing political correctness in the form of a massive influx of weak and misguided female teachers has ruined the last generation and probably the next.
Get our boys back from Afghanistan and those that can teach should be welcomed with open arms. ALL our children would better off for it.
A good teacher is priceless. The ones we have are generally bronze medal at best.