Yes. Very good article that, and mirrors some of my thoughts too tbh.
What gets me is that the rozzers can carry their 'defensive' weaponary, but we, the general sheeples cannot.
I find this bizzare.
I f some c*** is waving a gun or a knife at me, I want to be able to respond without hesitaion, and waste the twat, no conversing, general niceties and tittle tattle, just get it deleted before it has you.
I'll probably get prosecuted for even suggesting that now if a rozzer reads this.
I asked the rozzer that attended my particular case, if I mcould have a pepper spray handy like, in case I was confromted by some undesirable and uninvited prick in the future.
Oh no no no no no no no. Classed as a firearm.
It cannot kill, so wtf is the actual problem ey.
Used to protect yourself, then I really cannot see a problem.
Start waving it around for a 'laugh'
, then face the consequences and punishment accordingly. Simple
Any'ow, some good advice in that article, and I'm, taking notes.