Timetable of luurve:
0-14 days. Look at each other nervously. Dare I, don't I?
21-28 days. First shag and can't keep my eyes of her. Have to snog and fondle at EVERY opportunity....including in the supermarket.
I am one cruel cynical bastard. Official.
Had to go down to the Asda tonight to stock up on Red Bull, Lucozade tablets and Pro plus....all on the quacks recommendation believe it or not...I digress.
Whilst quietly mulling and shuffling through the vast array of boxes of stuff, I noticed a young couple aged about 16 ish standing nervously behind me.....holding hands. How sweet I though
I continued rummaging undistracted like an 'ungary Armadillo who'd discovered a vibrant ants nest, checking the use by dates on the boxes at the back of the display to see if they were any fresher than the stale shite they usually put at the front.
Not finding exactly what I was looking for, I moved along a shelf or two, casually manouvering myself between this now very sheepish insanely grinning and decidedly nervous looking young couple.
Looking up to the top shelf and I suddenly realised what all the fuss was about.
A vast array of nodders and 'gel'
I therefore felt under total obligation to carry on rummaging for a good further few minutes to see if they'd make their move.
They didn't sadly, as I was all ready to make the 'have a nice night' comment to them.
I stared at the pair of their very red faces and moved away to the next aisle, turned around to go back and the pair of them were making a hasty retreat to the 'pay for it yourself' check out...small boxes in hand.
I'd swear he was walking with a limp of 'frustration' too.