Growler will testify that my car is filthy. I decided it ought to have a bath. THere are none of those robot car washes anymore. WHat there are instead are dozens of "We wash your car for £4" places, run entirely by Poles and the like.
They work like devils and the car comes out looking like new I might go for the £15 full valet
Is this a national phenomenon?
They tend to operate on the supermarket/retail park car parks here. They did mine on Wednesday, £5 and it's spotless, not a fly/bug anywhere, wheels shiny new, and it looked like they'd black-walleded the tyres too. Down here they're not Poles though, they are all black. A female colleague once stopped me in my tracks when she suggested it was cos they had bigger hands and longer arms so it doesnt take as long
I expect she is extrapolating from her own experience.
They are all Eastern European, but not Poles I think, in Newbury.
They charge extra for mine, something to do with mud on the roof and poo caked underneath.
It's a good job though, lasts for hours.