This company RIAS keep sending me letters saying they can save me money of my household insurance. They "specialise" in the over 50s so I qualify, presumably, to be pestered for the rest of my days.
Toady I had another letter from them in which they demonstrated the savings I might be able to save if I switched to their cover. Well amongst the usual suspects they mentioned that I could save ?294.69 should I happen to insure currently through Liverpool Victoria. Feeling skittish and since they had provided a free 'phone number I thought I'd have a bit of fun so I rang them. Having got through the usual "for security etc" nonsense the following conversation took place:
Me "I see you say you can save me ?294.69.
Her "Yes sir , we can save you that much if you insure with Liverpool Victoria"
Me "Good then you can sign me up right now .... when do I get my cheque?"
Her "What cheque"
Me "The cheque for the difference between the ?175 I am currently paying each year to Liverpool Victoria and the ?294.69 you can save me.
Her "Errrrr ~ I don't think you understand sir"
Me "Oh yes I do ~ are you telling me that you cannot save me the money your letter promised then? ...... Let me speak to a supervisor"
Her "One moment sir"
Some minutes later (They are still paying for the call)
Supervisor "What is your query sir?"
Me "You wrote to me saying that if I was currently insured with Liverpool Victoria you would save me ?294.69. I am insured with Liverpool Victoria and currently my premium is ?175 so the only way you can save me that amount of money is to give me free insurance cover and a cheque for the difference which is ?119.69 ~ so if I sign up with you today when will I get the cheque?"
Supervisor "That's not how it works sir"
Me "So basically you are sending out letters that are baltant lies"
Supervisor "Uhm"
Me "I think you had better talk to your manager dear"
Ok Ok I shouldn't have done it to them but if they will work for such companies they deserve all they get.