Why in the name of Holy Moly would I want one of them fangled thingie wotsits, when the anna log one I've 'ad in this thing has served me well for the last 8 years ey, why?
Faster, more reliable...
... and I'm sorry to tell you that yours is digi too like....
Mines been reliable though, and it's a anna log digi one as far as I'm concerned. ok?
Why would I want faster ey/ I can hardly cope with the speed of this thing tbh.
Boots up fater - does everything faster...
And less energy too = less heat = less noisy and unreliable fans...
One day all 'disks' will be solid state...
Amazing to think that the first 'Hard Drive' I sold was 4Megabytes and you now have that much memory in your system... The 4M drive had to be 'partitioned' to appear to the system to be 4 8" floppy drives...
Now you can get a
sixty-four gigabyte solid state drive for eighty five quid....
EDIT The HP hard drive system was a
9135A and it cost a mahoosive $5,500!