We were all in the pub last night too. Followed by the restaurant, followed by drinks at ours.
Were you the loud one with the Guinness top on?
No I was the terribly loud one with the pink top on.
Can't have been with the Wallington lot then - terribly loud but no pink tops.
In fact no bloody dress sense at all - do teachers have this expunged as part of their training?
They would have you believe it is poverty but in reality many of them are still students at heart ~ even the 50 year olds. They have yet to realise that until they dress and behave like responsible adults with a job to do the children will not take them seriously.
The children, at most schools, have to conform to a uniform code but the staff turn up looking as if they are just calling in to collect their dole and then go back to bed ~AND they wonder why the children do not respect them?