The spoolchucker is correct. But calling your female head of year a "TWAT" to her face is not good 

No indeed it is not but then the THW called the Head of Sixth "A lying little pervert" and when he protested told him to "Fuck off before I slap you" and then walked out of the room. He tried to follow her but was stopped at the door by two 6ft+ boys who told him that the THW was only saying what everyone else thought and if he did anything about it they'd hammer him. Word soon spread and the Geology Head (a 6'3" rugby playing Yorkshireman) told him much the same.
She also had a go at the History Teacher she was allotted when said teacher questioned a fact the THW had put in an essay. THW told her that since her degree was in PE she knew fuck all about History as a subject, that any fool could read a text book the night before a lesson and that if she wanted further guidance as to whether the facts stated were correct Woodstock would be happy to give her lessons.
Minor has had several run-ins with certain teachers as he too speaks his mind and sticks up for himself when he is right and they are wrong. Other teachers, however, do support him and say he is a delight to have in their classes.
I have been obliged to remind both of them that in the services one salutes the rank, not the person wearing it. The boy would do well to keep that in mind ... he should understand the concept as he is in the Cadet Corps.