Well, after many G.P. visits over the years, I've finally gotten into the 'system' that is health care in this green and pleasant land.
Long story short:
MRI shows a distinct lack of disc material between L4 and L5. Instead of a nice chunky little marshmallow of a disc, there exists but a thin white line - which I'm informed is "not good".
Offered a jab in the back which is part palliative, part diagnostic. This was administered in early Dec with the accompanying information that this should relieve the pain for up to 6 months!
Three weeks later the pain is back! The follow-up (by telephone) informs me that this proves that I have 'facet joint degeneration'.
Google has left me depressed. I've been offered a 'procedure' which basically (AIUI) micro-waves the nerves which pass over these facet joints and which are causing the pain. Possible downside? Legs won't work through to more pain than today.
Anyone know anything about this one? Got any acquaintances who've 'been there, got the T-shirt'?
I suppose the worst outcome could see me with a free car every three years and a 'park anywhere' card.