I am allergic to the coins in current use ~ yes it is a nickel allergy which brings me up in a eczema type rash. Carrying coins in a trouser pocket in hot weather brings the rash on and it is a bugger to cure. Same applies to wearing a wrist watch ... I can only wear a gold watch.
Soooooo These new coins will either have to be carried in a purse
or I shall have to accept only notes. 
What are coins?
Oh come off it! I'm sure you remember Farthings 
Farthings? Darwin probably remembers groats 
Like me he can probably do sums involving Acres, Rods, Poles and Perches too.

A couple of years ago I was helping set up an Allotment Association in the village. The Allotments Officer from County got involved. We stood at the side of a fiield that a local farmer was willing to "donate" a portion of for the purpose (and the rent) and the A.O. said "How big will the proposed allotments be?"
I eyed up the patch and replied "I reckon we ought to get twenty 10 rod allotments on there, making due allowance for paths between them, and if some people don't want that much space then we could halve some to make a few 5 rod plots"
She was utterly baffled..... "What's that in square metres?"
So I whipped out the National Allotment Association's handbook and showed her that allotments are still measured in Rods.
How the fvck did she get the job?