My own long time love affair with IT and Technology was kick started in 1968 when, as an RAF apprentice, I was introduced to the Elliott 803. Fed by punched paper tape and very basic, it gave me a 'thirst' for computing.
Subsequently worked on THE first IBM PC in the UK, and later, some of the very first document image processing kit as well as very early speech recognition kit (based on heavily modified IBM AT PCs)
Happy days
Now, sadly, being over the 'witching age', the commercial world sees absolutely no use for those years of experience - all they want are the 'wunderkind' churned out in their masses from the various polyversities around the place - all with degrees in applied bee-keeping or green-keeping or some such.
Bitter? Me? Never! (unless BM's standing me one 'on the house' out of sympathy!)