I wish I could sleep for longer 
I struggle to get any more than 6 to 7 hours sleep a night and would love a good 8 to 10 hours kip ....that will solve all my lethargy 
It's not a competition of weariness ya know 
Bugger I would have entered had it been.
I used to be an 'early bird' happy to be up really early especially in the summer. I never had much of a problem sleeping but if ever I did like Nick it would be Radio 4 and a snuggle. Oh how things change.
I struggle to get to sleep before 2am, I take a whole host of drugs all of which are supposed to make one drowsy. When I do get to sleep it is very fitful and disturbed.

Mr C likes to fall asleep with the sound of the TV going I prefer the sound of the river and the owls. I wait until he is asleep, turn the box off open the window and then wait and wait and wait.
Because of the drugs I struggle to raise the old eye lids much before 7 in the morning. I really want more sleep and to my shame a week or so ago Mr C left the house early (6am), I fell back to sleep and did not wake up until just gone 11 O'clock