Good luck (yet again!)
There's something wrong with the system when your anger (if that's the correct word) is aimed at the hospital and the lack of treatment rather than the cancer itself.
Thanks Uncle.
I am trying very hard not to let my annoyance with the Hospital and the NHS systems in general show. It does not, I feel, do to show anger towards a man, or his staff, when he is about to wield a scalpel around inside me. As for feeling angry with the cancer ~ not much point as that would change nothing. I drew the short straw on this one. Scared of it yes but angry? No.
Of course I cannot let the fear show in front of the boys as I don't want to scare them but fortunately they have grown used to my being in and out of hospital over the past few years and I am trying to let this seem to be just another "normal" event.
I have pondered long and hard about why having this cancer should scare me more than all the heart problems ~ I suppose we have become conditioned to fear cancer of any sort ~ I do know that the chances of a "good outcome" are high with this type of cancer "If it is treated early" but when I looked at the stats a "Good outcome" is not actually a cure but a 90%+ chance of surviving for 5 years following diagnosis but the % chances of survival drop as the years progress so I'm guessing it will get me in the end. Hopefully I'll see the boys launched into the big world first.