So far ~ So good.
Kai is settling in nicely, Today he has treed two cats who had the nerve to come into the garden, totally ignored the postman's ring at the door bell, chosen where he wants to sleep at night (under the stairs), barked at unfamiliar noises near the house, walks well on the lead, ignores most other dogs, cyclists etc but is happy to make friends with callers once I have told him they are okay. Couple of pikeys came to the door flogging "Tree Surgery". He came with me to the door and simply bared his fangs and they vanished. He sits at the roadside waiting to cross, doesn't pull over much and when he managed to slip his collar immediately sat and waited for it to be put back on. He does not look to be fed at the table when we eat although can look very mournful when anyone has a sandwich but he leaves us alone when we eat, ignores cups of tea left on the coffee table
All in all just what we were looking for.
Oh and he is a big softy who likes lots of cuddles but by Christ when he treads on your foot you know you've been trodden on. Weighty isn't the word. He also bullies the boys who are still a bit wary of him so he gets biscuits out of them when Woodstock and I won't give him extras.
We are sticking to the two feeds and two walks a day routine that the kennels used with him and it seems he can tell the time as he lets us know when food is due and then won't settle until he has had a twenty minute walk.
At the moment Woodstock is out shopping. the boys are on their laptops in their rooms and I am in my study so he has positioned himself in the hall where he can keep an eye on all doors and is sleeping with one eye part open.