Well what an anthropological day out. Talk about tree huggers.
1. White men with dreadlocks (why?)
2. People in funny hats (one home made and shaped like a tadpole (tail up)
3. Tie dye T shirts (do they still make those?)
4. People doing yoga IN PUBLIC!
5. Bald men with plaits
6. Shamans (in this case trying to flog a farm, complete with Pyramid, as a venue for Eco-Toursim IN COLUMBIA!)
7. People playing Didgeridoos
8.Peruvian break dancing (
9. Middle aged lady Guardianistas dancing (they too had plaits)
10. People still selling Che Guevara T shirts
11. Organic vegetarian coffee
12. Dogs on string (apparently leather leads are non-vegetarian. So what's wrong with plastic?)
13. Men in "camouflage" trousers. Why? I could see them quite clearly. I was going to ask one why but he had a ring through his nose, a dog on a string and a funny hat.
14. A man with a waist length beard and a pointy hat "singing". His "audience" consisted of one person who was clearly too scared too leave. The first line of his song was "I am a child of the Universe". Yes, matey, but which one. I left.
5. And why do pensioners choose to declare their radicalism by wearing berets?
We stopped in Wrexham on the way back to eat. Christ on a bike, I have NEVER seen so many tarty girls in one place. And they weren't even wearing coats, despite the rain. And police, police vans, amulances and DJd bouncers everywhere for when the inevitable fighting started. What a dump.