As you may know, young GROWLER now drives for a local bus company having passed his PCV test at the age of 19.
He's the youmgest on the fleet and is generally enjoying his new career.
Last night he came in all angry and ranting.

Seems the very last run of the day which involved swapping buses at Mold bus station was going to be traumatic according to the driver he took over from.
"Good luck with that lot" he stated as he got off, pointing to a gang of 8 half dressed pikeys screaming and gesticulating at the previous driver.... the back of the bus.
Young G continued on his journey to Frodsam with about 30 passengers on board listening to their vile language loud 'music' and chanting.
Stopped to pick up a bloke in his mid 20's who gave his girlfriend a quick kiss goodbye before boarding the bus.
The pikeys then proceeded to chant 'gay boy gay boy' at him.
Young G had now had enough, stopped the bus again, stood up and told them all to shut up, behave or he'd eject them all.

The noise and chanting continued unabated however, and then they started ringing the bell continuously, so young G did as was seemingly being indicated, stopped very rapidly, stood up and told them all to get off...NOW!
They did amidst swathes of abuse. Youmg G closed the door rapidly and drove off, leaving them in the middle of nowhere.
That's my boy!!

Sadly, not one passenger uttered a word of encouragement or pleasure for his brilliant actions which is such a shame imo..
Bravo young GROWLER. I'm well chuffed and proud of you, and this is the same lad that was being bullied relentlessly at schoohell just 4 years ago.