THW had a food thief in her Halls. She put food colouring into her milk and turned it blue. She said it stopped the thief and that her cocoa pops didn't taste any different.
It happens in all student halls. They are allocated a shelf in the fridge in their communal kitchen but someone is always borrowing stuff. Holloway also gave them a kitchen cupboard each but wouldn't allow them to fit locks "For security reasons" (Roughly I translate that as meaning "we want to check for drugs")
Usually the first term is spent sorting such thieving b@st@rds out and it settles down after a while.
Much the same as they will spend the first year making all sorts of new friends and the next two years trying to get rid of them.
The time passes very quickly and she'll be home for Christmas before you know it.
Why do the wimmin make such a fuss? ~ I guess it's because they realise how old they are getting but I'd not mention that to Mrs Growler if I were you.