Author Topic: The all new Mini Moose goes to university and other calamities thread  (Read 13021 times)

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Re: The all new Mini Moose goes to university and other calamities thread
« Reply #60 on: October 01, 2012, 01:13:30 PM »
I bet Mini Moose is having a whale of time  :thumbsup:

Soon she will call and ask for more munny  point:
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Re: The all new Mini Moose goes to university and other calamities thread
« Reply #61 on: October 01, 2012, 02:14:21 PM »
I am glad that it all helped.  I think that most of us on here have been through a wringer of some sort and being on here has helped.

There will be ups and downs but it will all get sorted out. Hang onto the feeling that you have now for as long as you can.

 happy100 :thumbsup:

Because it won't last....  noooo:
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Re: The all new Mini Moose goes to university and other calamities thread
« Reply #62 on: October 01, 2012, 03:48:19 PM »
This thread is bringing back memories ...  rubschin:

I stayed in halls for a term or so if I recall. There was a particularly nasty incident involving a 2nd year student. It started when some others began to report that they'ed had stuff nicked, and not fridge stuff either, records, watches, lighters and other personal possessions. It was all catalogued by staff but it went no further.

One night a student knocked on the door of this 2nd year student to ask him something or other; he never let anyone into his room and wasn't the most sociable type. The other student noticed something on the desk from where he was standing in the doorway; something like a lighter but he was certain that it was his mate's who'd lost it.

Word got around that night and later a lynch mob posse was formed with the intention of making a call at this lad's room. There were about a dozen of us, fortunately I hadn't had anything missing but strength in numbers and some of the girls were quite upset ... not to say bloody furious that he might be the culprit.
We knocked on the door and one asked if he could have a word ... What happened over the next couple of hours was dismal; denials, discoveries of people's stuff, tears, threats. The guy was a klepto  noooo:
Everything was returned where it could be and looking back I'm amazed that there wasn't blood on the carpet. He never made it to the 3rd year though. He left under medical supervision.
I found a flat quite soon after that with some others I trusted.  Scary stuff, eh? Sorry to spoil your evening  ;)
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Re: The all new Mini Moose goes to university and other calamities thread
« Reply #63 on: October 01, 2012, 03:48:31 PM »
I am glad that it all helped.  I think that most of us on here have been through a wringer of some sort and being on here has helped.

There will be ups and downs but it will all get sorted out. Hang onto the feeling that you have now for as long as you can.

 happy100 :thumbsup:

Because it won't last....  noooo:

That's a copyrighted line stolen from the BBC weatherman! eeek:


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Re: The all new Mini Moose goes to university and other calamities thread
« Reply #64 on: October 01, 2012, 03:55:54 PM »
This thread is bringing back memories ...  rubschin:

I stayed in halls for a term or so if I recall. There was a particularly nasty incident involving a 2nd year student. It started when some others began to report that they'ed had stuff nicked, and not fridge stuff either, records, watches, lighters and other personal possessions. It was all catalogued by staff but it went no further.

One night a student knocked on the door of this 2nd year student to ask him something or other; he never let anyone into his room and wasn't the most sociable type. The other student noticed something on the desk from where he was standing in the doorway; something like a lighter but he was certain that it was his mate's who'd lost it.

Word got around that night and later a lynch mob posse was formed with the intention of making a call at this lad's room. There were about a dozen of us, fortunately I hadn't had anything missing but strength in numbers and some of the girls were quite upset ... not to say bloody furious that he might be the culprit.
We knocked on the door and one asked if he could have a word ... What happened over the next couple of hours was dismal; denials, discoveries of people's stuff, tears, threats. The guy was a klepto  noooo:
Everything was returned where it could be and looking back I'm amazed that there wasn't blood on the carpet. He never made it to the 3rd year though. He left under medical supervision.
I found a flat quite soon after that with some others I trusted.  Scary stuff, eh? Sorry to spoil your evening  ;)

S'pose these things happen.

All new to me though, as neither myself or Mrs The Owld Moose ever went to Unl, so new experience for both of us's really.
I admit that I was actually quite looking forward to her departure, mainly for the re-gaining of the carpet and some peace!

Not actually quite so sure now though tbqh. noooo:

Still, I haven't near broken me neck on a pair of strategically placed shoes since Saturday. whistle:
« Last Edit: October 01, 2012, 03:57:29 PM by GROWLER »

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Re: The all new Mini Moose goes to university and other calamities thread
« Reply #65 on: October 01, 2012, 05:08:41 PM »
I am glad that it all helped.  I think that most of us on here have been through a wringer of some sort and being on here has helped.

There will be ups and downs but it will all get sorted out. Hang onto the feeling that you have now for as long as you can.

 happy100 :thumbsup:

Because it won't last....  noooo:

That's a copyrighted line stolen from the BBC weatherman! eeek:

 lol: lol: lol:
Pro Skub  Thumbs:


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Re: The all new Mini Moose goes to university and other calamities thread
« Reply #66 on: October 01, 2012, 06:23:59 PM »
Happy and miserable all at once now. confused:

MM has just texteded to say she's already moved to another house, and it's great.
All the gerls in there helped her so she's got loads of new friends now, and is currently preparing to go on the BIG night out to the on site night club now.

Miserable, because selfishly I was quite looking forward to going back up there later this week to help her move. cry:

S'pose I'm happy...ish really....I think...ish. sad32:

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Re: The all new Mini Moose goes to university and other calamities thread
« Reply #67 on: October 01, 2012, 06:26:49 PM »
SO she is having a great time  :thumbsup:  All sex, drugs and sin from now on  :thumbsup:

AND she is sorting HERSELF out  :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

Did she take all her grub with her?  rubschin:
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Re: The all new Mini Moose goes to university and other calamities thread
« Reply #68 on: October 01, 2012, 06:30:06 PM »
SO she is having a great time  :thumbsup:  All sex, drugs and sin from now on  :thumbsup:

AND she is sorting HERSELF out  :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

Did she take all her grub with her?  rubschin:

Who knows. ::)

Everything just rammed into bin liners apparently, so she'll probably have left half her belongings behind....including grub, yes. Banghead

Fully expecting a call asking for replacement whatevers in the near future. evil:

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Re: The all new Mini Moose goes to university and other calamities thread
« Reply #69 on: October 01, 2012, 06:33:38 PM »
Good job you didn't buy the fridge then  :thumbsup:
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Re: The all new Mini Moose goes to university and other calamities thread
« Reply #70 on: October 02, 2012, 08:13:14 AM »
First barney between me and The Mrs Owld Moose has just broken out regarding this most expensive party of all time. evil:

Needless to say, the funding of MM's new lifestyle was the main subject of 'conversation' cussing:

How's she going to cope TMOM asks?
Bit late to be asking that now I retort, or have you made some sort of secret pact and financial arrangement that I'm not aware of p'raps? rubschin:

Get a friggin' part time job like many of the other stewdents up there are having to, that's how.
Either that or she lives on a diet of Pot Noodles and fresh water for the next 3 years, simple.

I'm forseeing a very long and slippy slope ahead for the next 3 years. eeek:

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Re: The all new Mini Moose goes to university and other calamities thread
« Reply #71 on: October 02, 2012, 09:18:37 AM »
Fees loan takes care of her tuition.
If household income (provable) does not exceed £52k pa then she can claim grant assistance on a sliding scale ~ the lower the household income the higher the assistance. (They call it a living allowance)
Bursaries are available at all Universities.
Student Loans will also help but again the level of loan is dependant upon the household income.

If in doubt contact "Student Finance England" (they are on line)
Also suggest M.M. contacts "Student Support" at her University to see exactly what she can claim and what she can apply for.

Part Time Jobs are hard to find as they are mostly snatched up by 2nd and 3rd year students BUT again the "Student Support" office may be able to help ..... there are often jobs on campus available and always the chance of picking up a few quid as a "Student Ambassador" on open days and the like.
Part time working is not always possible ~ much depends on the student's contact hours ie those hours that she MUST be in tutorials, classes, lectures etc. The THW has a massive 25 contact hours per week and to that must be added a similar number of hours for study, essay writing etc. She also has to factor in the many "Field Trips" that a geology student has to undertake which means few employers are interested in her as she would seldom be available. Some of those students she met studying other subjects such as Drama, Performing Arts, Media Studies and dare I say it English Literature have as few as 6 to 10 contact hours a week and no field trips. They tend to get the jobs that are going. All that said as a 2nd year student the THW has already sorted out some baby sitting for neighbours where she now lives. She can put the baby to bed and sit with her laptop and work until the parents come home. £25 a session makes a hooge difference to her budget even if she only gets a couple of sessions a month.
« Last Edit: October 02, 2012, 09:20:54 AM by Snoopy »
I used to have a handle on life but it broke.


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Re: The all new Mini Moose goes to university and other calamities thread
« Reply #72 on: October 02, 2012, 09:35:07 AM »
Tar. She's obviously got the grant for the fees (£9k P.A  eeek:) but that's for another angry discussion, and the stewdent grant, but that barely covers her rent tbh.
She;s realying on whet little money she's saved from her Chester Zoo job during the summer....most of it pissed away in bloody 'Rosies' night club in Chester from what I can fathom out, gifts from rellies and some extra dosh from us.
The figures just aren't stacking up though, unless she takes heed and budgets very strictly on the weekly basis like I've tried to teach her.
I'm not holding my breath on that one, but am more than willing to give her the benefit of my doubt and to be suprised. whistle:

Failing that, then I suppose the Bank of Dad will be having to open for business again. Banghead

My wanted trip to Alaska is very much on hold and ice  ::) lol:


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Re: The all new Mini Moose goes to university and other calamities thread
« Reply #73 on: October 02, 2012, 10:15:28 AM »
Mini Moose is seemingly very happy in her new flat now.
Surrounded bt other jolly stewdents it seems (reads as piss 'ed's to me  ::) )

She's going to have to make her mind up on her secondary subject today, and Biology is looking favourite now it seems.
This is actually making me a very happy ole Bear, as as in any of the sciences, there is a gross shortage of these required skills now.


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Re: The all new Mini Moose goes to university and other calamities thread
« Reply #74 on: October 02, 2012, 07:01:55 PM »
Biology it is.
Couldn't do Eng.Lit. anyway, 'cus they now say you had to have a grade A in A level.
She obtained a B

News to piggin her and us.

Meanwhile, as I predicted, she lost summat in the rapid flat move with a bin liner yesterday. Banghead

New bath towel has vanished. cussing:
« Last Edit: October 02, 2012, 07:03:34 PM by GROWLER »