This thread is bringing back memories ...

I stayed in halls for a term or so if I recall. There was a particularly nasty incident involving a 2nd year student. It started when some others began to report that they'ed had stuff nicked, and not fridge stuff either, records, watches, lighters and other personal possessions. It was all catalogued by staff but it went no further.
One night a student knocked on the door of this 2nd year student to ask him something or other; he never let anyone into his room and wasn't the most sociable type. The other student noticed something on the desk from where he was standing in the doorway; something like a lighter but he was certain that it was his mate's who'd lost it.
Word got around that night and later a
lynch mob posse was formed with the intention of making a call at this lad's room. There were about a dozen of us, fortunately I hadn't had anything missing but strength in numbers and some of the girls were quite upset ... not to say bloody furious that he might be the culprit.
We knocked on the door and one asked if he could have a word ... What happened over the next couple of hours was dismal; denials, discoveries of people's stuff, tears, threats. The guy was a klepto

Everything was returned where it could be and looking back I'm amazed that there wasn't blood on the carpet. He never made it to the 3rd year though. He left under medical supervision.
I found a flat quite soon after that with some others I trusted. Scary stuff, eh? Sorry to spoil your evening