Growler has just called me for advice
It's a sobathon
It was NOT, repeat...NOT, a sobathon.
I was merely bored after having listened to the footie results and was wandering back to the flat wondering if the Mini Mooslet was still a bit upset like, so I thought I'd ring you, you know, being a so called expert on these sort of educational issues to merely ask if this was normal and was there any particular expert advice and consolation I could offer her, but all you could say in a almost angry tone was "oh ffs2 or summat similar and to get the hell out of there...which I intended doing, and in fact did so a mere 15 mins later.
Mrs G has taken it all exceedingly well tbh. Young G seemed more upset than us tbh, giving big 'ugs to his lickle sister which I found quite moving tbqh.
Meanwhile I'm in the process of moving all MM's piccies, 'cus they are actually making me a bit sad looking at them now.
No 'phone calls or texts on the positive side screaming HELP so far anyway.