Daughter number three has pissed me off 'big time' to use common parlance am going to have to do something.
What's she done anyway? 
Been bloody rude.
Her stepmother and her Father live about three miles from her , stepmother is loaded and money has no real meaning. She (stepmother)is a local magistrate, Scout leader and School governor at the private scoool their son my ex and she begat. Believe you me it matters in that family, continue the family name and all that.

It was recently daughter number 3's Birthday and she was bemoaning the fact that the flat that step mother had facilitated had no microwave.
I have a very limited income, less that £800 per month but asked her if she would like a microwave as an early Christmas pressie and she could either upgrade or have something else for her Birthday. Anyhoo 2 separate things were dispatched and not a thank you or acknowledgement. She did publicly thank her family for taking her out for a 'champagne meal'. That's what you do in Suffolk dahlihg mwah mwah.
I am cross with myself for giving a shite and cross with her because that is not how she was bought up. In her Fathers absence she did 'thank you' letters.