MM just emailed me and has shown all the adverse comments regarding the letting agency to her bessy mate there.
Not impressed by all accounts and is carrying on regardless.
It's friggin' ok for her though, as she's an ex head girl of a private schooohell with minted parents who are probably paying the rent for this rip off shit 'ole.

I'm feeling so bloody weary, shambolic, confuslicated and totally thouroughly utterly goosed with the whole subject.

Feel like running away even now, but i jknow I can't, 'cus the problems will still be there in me 'ed.
Meanwhile, WHERE TF is the one who should be helping me with all this shite, ey, WHERE?

Who TF knows....or even cares now tbqh.

Sorry if I've bored the arses off some of you's all today, but I've had absolutely no one else to ramble on and rant at.