Author Topic: Jimmy Saville:Why now?  (Read 97693 times)

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Re: Jimmy Saville:Why now?
« Reply #60 on: October 11, 2012, 09:52:29 AM »
More and more on a daily basis crawling out of the closet! eeek:

WTF is actually going on here ey?
IF he was so so so bad and evil, just how exactly did he get away with it for all those decades, when other high profile individuals didn't? Shrugs:

The whole story is REALLY winding me up now tbh

nurses at the hospital knew about his behaviour and did not welcome his visits.

You really couldn't make this stuff up! noooo:

So, what did you do about it at the time?


Oh, and why was that then ey? Shrugs:

Tell you. These people are worse than JS for doing nothing about it at the time ...if it's all true, something we'll never know with 100% certainty now. Banghead
« Last Edit: October 11, 2012, 09:58:11 AM by GROWLER »


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Re: Jimmy Saville:Why now?
« Reply #61 on: October 11, 2012, 10:02:02 AM »
Not defebnding JS here, but come on. This is all getting out of control now. cussing:

Roll up roll up, and join the JS witch hunt bandwagon today!
Cash rewards on offer!

Leave your story and non provable accusations below!


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Re: Jimmy Saville:Why now?
« Reply #62 on: October 11, 2012, 10:24:49 AM »
Thinking about this more, and so, all these adults that are now coming forward after alledgedly being abused by JS 20/30 years ago.
Not one of them reported the matter to a responsible adult that deemed the accusations bad enough to report the matter/s to the appropriate authorities at the time?

Talk about science piggin' fiction!! eeek:

If one of my kids had come forward with such accusations...or ANYONES kids come to think about it.... I'm damned sure I'd have gone straight to 'the top' regardless what bastard profile the accused had, and I'm pretty damned sure you lot would have done so too!

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Re: Jimmy Saville:Why now?
« Reply #63 on: October 11, 2012, 11:39:12 AM »
I have to say I'm with the Growlster on this one - I'm becoming more and more aware of an all pervading odour of over-ripe Mackerel!

Silence for all those years - then this three ring circus! It's not like he was a Mafioso or some-such where you'd be "disappeared" for making such allegations whilst he was alive, so why the reticence?

Could it have been a financial interest?
"Political Correctness is a doctrine fostered by a delusional, illogical minority, and rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a turd by the clean end." 

Well, someone had to say it!

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Re: Jimmy Saville:Why now?
« Reply #64 on: October 11, 2012, 02:28:04 PM »
I have to say I'm with the Growlster on this one - I'm becoming more and more aware of an all pervading odour of over-ripe Mackerel!

Silence for all those years - then this three ring circus! It's not like he was a Mafioso or some-such where you'd be "disappeared" for making such allegations whilst he was alive, so why the reticence?

Could it have been a financial interest?

I haven't yet heard anyone suggest that he may have bought the silence of victims and whistleblowers at the time.
I mostly despair

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Re: Jimmy Saville:Why now?
« Reply #65 on: October 11, 2012, 02:45:17 PM »

If one of my kids had come forward with such accusations...or ANYONES kids come to think about it.... I'm damned sure I'd have gone straight to 'the top' regardless what bastard profile the accused had, and I'm pretty damned sure you lot would have done so too!

Fair enough and good for you, seriously.  However, I heard one woman on the lunchtime radio state that when she was molested (by JS) she told her parents; they threw the accusation back in her face. Years later she allegedly told the same to a TV production company; again, her story was discounted as implausible.
JS was an intelligent man, a member of Mensa incidentally. I reckon he played the charity / fund raiser card deliberately as a firewall. 
Like the Buddhist said to the hot dog vendor...
"Make me one with everything"

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Re: Jimmy Saville:Why now?
« Reply #66 on: October 11, 2012, 05:20:10 PM »
Got my Halloween costume sorted...Gonna wear a blond wig, track suit, gold chains and a cigar...that should scare the little  fuckers off...

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Re: Jimmy Saville:Why now?
« Reply #67 on: October 11, 2012, 10:35:08 PM »
Got my Halloween costume sorted...Gonna wear a blond wig, track suit, gold chains and a cigar...that should scare the little  fuckers off...

Trick or treat ............ rubschin:


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Re: Jimmy Saville:Why now?
« Reply #68 on: October 12, 2012, 08:04:53 AM »

Discussion on an ao hell page regarding stripping him of his knighthood, and I agree with the poster tbh.

Yeltzman .21 Fans .23 minutes ago (08:24)

Claims and allegations is what we have at the moment. As soon as there is any proof whatsoever - that is the time for removing the Knighthood. The fact that there are more and more claims, doesn't amount to proof. Believe it or not, people do make up stuff.
I know that nobody wants to be reminded, but we have a principle in the Law of this country and that is "Innocent until proven guilty" ... at the moment we have trial my media and the assumption has been turned around. Allegations are not proof, no matter how many there are.[/

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Re: Jimmy Saville:Why now?
« Reply #69 on: October 12, 2012, 10:29:13 AM »

Discussion on an ao hell page regarding stripping him of his knighthood, and I agree with the poster tbh.

Yeltzman .21 Fans .23 minutes ago (08:24)

Claims and allegations is what we have at the moment. As soon as there is any proof whatsoever - that is the time for removing the Knighthood. The fact that there are more and more claims, doesn't amount to proof. Believe it or not, people do make up stuff.
I know that nobody wants to be reminded, but we have a principle in the Law of this country and that is "Innocent until proven guilty" ... at the moment we have trial my media and the assumption has been turned around. Allegations are not proof, no matter how many there are.[/

Exactly right...

However odious you believe the man might have been, he is dead now and there can never be a trial to prove him guilty.
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Re: Jimmy Saville:Why now?
« Reply #70 on: October 12, 2012, 02:15:41 PM »
But it's not about bringing him to trial  and legally proving him guilty .

This is not one persons word against another either. Enough 'reasonable doubt' has been cast of his character now to strip away his previous public persona and expose him for apparently what he really was . To me the point of any investigation now is to recognise and acknowledge the victims accounts of events.

I am uncomfortable with these victims going on TV and telling their stories when he doesn't have a right to reply but by all accounts many have tried many times before to have these allegations taken seriously and been rebuffed from a number of sources. Often from their own parents at the time telling them they should not make a fuss etc. It was after all very different then.

40 years later and the collective voices of these people provide a significant body of evidence to support their accusations and to finally be taken seriously.

I am sure some people seeking media attention will create stories for their 5 minutes of fame but by and large I genuinely believe the majority of victims to be believable . He appears to have 'taken advantage' of many . Some of who were particularly vulnerable, others perhaps naive and gullible.  Those people that knew what was going on and did nothing should be culpable but lets not have a witch hunt. I fear there will be far too many and it would take far too long and will achieve little. Let them live with their guilt and publicly name them .

Let the police investigate the claims of his victims but lets not have every one reported in the media . The victims deserve a right to be heard and believed finally but the damage has now been done to the saintly reputation of the sleazeball. There is little more they can achieve except to strip him of his reputation now and that has been done.


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Re: Jimmy Saville:Why now?
« Reply #71 on: October 12, 2012, 03:09:28 PM »
Amen to that Miss D.

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Re: Jimmy Saville:Why now?
« Reply #72 on: October 12, 2012, 03:20:50 PM »
JS was an intelligent man, a member of Mensa incidentally. I reckon he played the charity / fund raiser card deliberately as a firewall.

Just found this quote about Savile from Jerry Sadowitz in 1988:
“That’s why he does all the charity work.. to gain public sympathy for when his case comes up”.

Like the Buddhist said to the hot dog vendor...
"Make me one with everything"


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Re: Jimmy Saville:Why now?
« Reply #73 on: October 12, 2012, 04:13:40 PM »
Still not comfortable...and never will be...with the whole thing.
He's been found gulity judged and convicted  by media, rumours, majority of sheeple and band wagon riders, with more jumping on it every day.
Outrageous, regardless wheather he was guilty or not.

The whole story stinks now.
My opinion to which I'm entitled

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Re: Jimmy Saville:Why now?
« Reply #74 on: October 12, 2012, 04:15:30 PM »
I heard a solicitor mention the word "compensation" at lunchtime. Let the floodgates open.  ::)
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