Sadly and grossly lacking in todays society.
Nearly everyone is in such a hurry, grossly intolerant and generally don't give a toss about anything but their sweet selves.
It's depressing, and I see it every day, at werk, on the road, in the shops, on the street, evreybloodywhere.

Hate it.
So, it came as a really pleasant suprise when I found a whopper of a Toblerone bar in the fridge last night.
Upon enquiring as to whose it is, it seems that young Growler jnr, who doesn't receive much praise in the shadow of his bright lickle sister, was given it by one of his grateful regular passengers.
Why? 'Cus the old guy in question is so suprised at his caring pleasant attitude after years of having to put up with rude brusk bus drivers.
In their defence however perhaps, and hearing what I hear about the Bearletts boss, he's an absolute and full on nasty rude twat to the drivers. Can't string a sentence together without hollering and screaming vile abuse and f'in and blindin' cobnstantly.
Silly me. I thought the the word MANAGER was supposed to mean MANAGING people?