We are still having problems with the site going up-and-down all the time - I get notifications when it is 'down', mostly nobody else notices...
I'm very disappointed with iPage and we should really move to a new host.
However, our daily posts have been in decline for the past year... We had the following number of posts on the site: -
2008 - 70,117
2009 - 70,139
2010 - 66,902
2011 - 76,005
2012 - 58,440
Perhaps this is a 'chicken and egg' scenario with the site problems resulting in fewer posts, perhaps it is because we have lost Wenchy; Snoopy and Miss T have been poorly, Miss D and others have been under pressure at work resulting in fewer posts during working hours... I'm not sure. Bottom line is that we need ~200 posts per day for the site to feel vibrant and interesting and we're not hitting anywhere near that at the moment.
Financially, we made £42.60 from Amazon clicks since January 2012. Go figure who is funding it...
The bottom line is that it will costs a whole lot more money and effort on my part to move the site to another host. At the moment, I'm not convinced that there is the enthusiasm on the site to make that worthwhile.
I welcome your comments - if anybody wants to take on the management of the site I'd be happy to hand 'the keys' over - perhaps somebody else can breathe new life into it...?