Well, thanks for all your enthusiastic responses and thanks JOM for the £20 donation – much appreciated!
So they general consensus is that we shouldn’t shut the forum down then…?
I just worry that without new blood on the board we are heading towards a slow, lingering death as the posts dry up… All these problems don’t help either – I’m sick of communication with the technical support people every time it packs up… I don’t really want to go through the shag and hassle (and extra expense) of moving the board yet again only to find there is nobody here posting after…
So I guess there are two issues – the performance of the board and the lack of posts.
I’m not sure how we get new people on board or get them to ‘stick’ once they are here – I know of two people who are regular readers of the board, who enjoy the content yet have never signed-up.
Any ideas for enthusiastic new members would be greatly appreciated… We really need another Wenchy or two that can keep things interesting during the daytime...
Perhaps I need a break - six years, 73,000 posts, 1,200 new topics and a staggering 374 days on-line so far – I should really get out more! I do try to 'keep the board going' as does Snoopy when his health allows but there is only so much you can do and I know from other boards how boring it is when a single poster has made the last comment on every thread (yes, even somebody as witty, smart, intelligent and not to mention handsome as my good self)...
I think I might take a week or so away from the board and search for alternative hosts. I’ll come back refreshed and if you are still all enthusiastic about it we can all jointly decide if we want to go through the disruption of moving again and pay the extra costs – whatever they might be.
Growler: the problem we have is that while our active membership numbers are low, we do make lots of ‘hits’ on the server. Also, as we’ve been around a while we get a huge number of ‘visitors’ which again impact our performance and bandwidth. In December for instance we had 790,000 ‘hits’ on the site.
While these hosts promise ‘unlimited’ bandwidth they soon start to complain when we hit such high numbers.
I have some software which promises to reduce the impact of the ‘visitors’ (mostly spambots) – I’ll spend some time in the background seeing if I can get it to work which might perhaps ease the issues with our current host…
[EDIT] I finished writing this off-line and the power failed here – this is the auto-saved version which doesn’t make quite as much sense as the final probably – you get the gist of my thoughts though I’m sure…